
Identity of the Digital Age: What is ID?

Identity of the Digital Age: What is ID?

The digital age has arrived and changed our lives in so many ways. As the digital transformation expands, no part of our lives will stay untouched. One of the factors that emerged with digitalization was the concept of ID. We wanted to prepare an article about what exactly ID is and where it is used.

It’s possible that the term ‘ID’ is popping up these days. Because the digital environments, where we handle many of our jobs, from banking transactions to watching digital content, also needed the digitization of our identity. So what does ID mean and what does it do?

What does ID mean?

ID is basically an abbreviation of identity. Although it is more commonly used as an identity in popular culture, it is not wrong to specify it as identification. Although the ID differs according to the place of use, what it does in general is to represent and reflect you. For the simplest example, it can also appear as a “username” on many platforms.

The ID number comes into play when it comes to remote access programs. Of course the usage of this is a little different than what I normally stated. For example, you can access a social media platform not only from your phone and computer, but from anywhere with your user ID and password.

Usage areas of ID

ID is mainly used in games, any platform, forums and email services. As well as identifying us, an ID also can be used for the identity of our computer , that we use to Access those platforms. You can consider the ID as a barcode that we have on the internet.
The use of ID is not limited to digital environments, of course. For example: If an author owns an alias, other than his / her real name, that ‘s also considered as “ID”.
The use of ID specifically in software is as follows:

• When choosing a style sheet.
• When setting up text links.
• When referencing a specific element from a script.
• As the name of a declared object item.
• When streaming data from an application to a database.

Advantages and disadvantages of using ID in digital environment


• Access to applications, platforms you use from anywhere.
• Security measures such as username and password.
• Keeping your personal information confidential.


Since the information is in the digital environment, protecting personal information in the digital environment can be a problem.