29 Jun Astronics Introduces Anti-Microbial Outlet Units for Aircraft In-Seat Power System
Astronics has announced the launch of new anti-microbial aircraft in-seat power outlet units developed under its ongoing product innovation programme.
The enhanced version of Astronics’ in-seat power outlet units will be developed using the latest technology to create an anti-microbial formulation, and will be available from Q3 2021.
Dennis Markert, Director of Business Development at Astronics, commented: “We are a customer centric organisation, which means both responding to our customers’ needs and identifying solutions beyond what they are requesting. We began reimagining our products early on in light of the pandemic. We recognised that, in addition to the many safety features already included in our outlet units, providing anti-microbial touchpoints would benefit the entire supply chain as well as airlines’ and passengers.As the market leading cabin power supplier, we look to stay at the leading edge of innovative solutions that both transform and enhance the travel experience.”çok güvenlik özelliğine ek olarak, anti-mikrobiyal temas noktaları sağlamanın tüm tedarik zincirinin yanı sıra havayolları ve yolculara fayda sağlayacağını fark ettik. Pazar lideri kabin gücü tedarikçisi olarak, seyahat deneyimini hem dönüştüren hem de geliştiren yenilikçi çözümlerin öncüsü olmaya çalışıyoruz.”