19 Oct Adobe is Killing to Flash
Flash Games were released in 1996 and it shaped the video game industry. The impact of flash games on modern gaming was inevitable. Many game types was born from flash games. Flash games is more convenient in terms of accessibility throughout use. While flash games that developed 20 years ago can still be played today. The games that developed for iOs and Android needs regular updates to keep working on new phones. Steve Jobs explained why Flash is not allowed on the Apple platform in 2010, two years after the launch of the iPhone. Flash had security problems. It was consuming the battery and was designed for desktop computers, not mobile devices with a touch interface.
It wasn’t just the rise of the iPhone that was responsible for the Flash’s downfall. The Internet has become a different place that has to support a wide variety of different devices. As Flash expires in December 2020, one of the most creative periods in gaming history is coming to an end.
Source: http://www.flashgamehistory.com/