25 Aug Post Covid-19 Airlines Report
Posted at 11:56h
in Reports
We present to you the report published by Redactive Media Group on airlines post Covid-19.
You can access post-Covid-19 financial statements, passengers views, post pandemic technologies and many statistical data.
Highlights in the report;
- Airlines are expected to lose $84.3 billion in 2020, according to IATA
- Total revenues will fall 50%
- Airlines will lose $37.54 per passenger for 2020
- Fuel is expected to account for 15% of overall costs (compared with 23.7% in 2019)
- Cargo revenues will reach $110.8 billion in 2020 and contribute around 26% to industry revenues—up from 12% in 2019
- %83 of travelers will not travel if there is a chance of being quarantined on arrival
- 45% anticipate a return to travel within one to two months of containment of the COVID-19 pandemic but 36% indicate that they could wait six months or more